Ryan’s Passion

Steelers .sanden. via Compfight

MY PASSION! My passion is football, I love football because sometimes games are just really intense and they just get me so hyped sometimes.  Some other reasons are that when you are angry sometimes you can take it out on someone else and hit them. Another reason I love football is There is never a dull moment its always just so fun to watch and that’s why I love football. Another reason is the big hits. I love big hits because its gets people standing on there feet in the stands and its gets everyone wild up.

Finally my biggest Reason that I love football is Relationships. I don’t know why but football brings everyone together and create a family of all the fans for the team that they love, but most especially my favorite team the Steelers. But back to relationships it just brings everyone together , and at games you create a lot of friends. Lastly I am going to talk about Why I love the Steelers, I love them because I’m 11 so the year that I was born the Steelers had won the Superbowl so that was a big difference In my life because of that. another reason I love the Steelers is because My mom Go’s to Pittsburgh A lot for her work and she brings sovineers home to us, So this is my favorite passion, Whats yours?

2 thoughts on “Ryan’s Passion”

  1. i love football too so i read it and its pretty cool. I know the intensity of the sport also i cant stand a minute with out yelling during the super bowl

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